When the cashier sees this baby in the cart, she teaches her something important. The mother could not be happier!

Suzie Skougard from California mother of 4 children. Their youngest child, Carly Jean, was born with Down syndrome. What the two have experienced in their local supermarket, Suzie shares on Facebook:

"When I took this picture shot, Carly was already cranky (she was hungry and needed a nap), but I did it anyway, because such moments, as now, some of my favorite. This woman works in our local supermarket and I always choose their cash out. During my pregnancy, even if the snake with her is always a little longer. When I was pregnant, I have in the short time that I had at checkout, always talked to her. I wanted to know what that would mean Down syndrome for my daughter when she gets older. How would their lives lost? Would they like this woman?

I never mentioned that Carly trisomy 21 has, until one day when she was about 6 months old, the woman closed her arms around my daughter and said, "She has Down syndrome!" "And how!" I answered ,

When I tried to leave the store today, she said. "I have Down syndrome as they and I have a big heart" "You have definitely," I said. "Can they sign language?" The woman asked in Carly's direction. "She knows a few characters!" "When I was little, I could this" (she made the sign of 'more' and 'please'). "She knows Carly also!" I replied. "I know a few more, I'll bring her in!" And then she showed the sign for 'I love you'.

Many people believe that people contribute to the Down Syndrome nothing important to society. But among all the disgruntled people today she really stood out. By only was she herself, she has given us an incredible gift. A smile."

A wonderful coincidence! And next purchase Suzie and Carly will be happy again to be the radiant smile of their favorite cashier, with the big heart, welcomed.
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