This child is likely to die in the operating room. But when the father finds out who works there, he is speechless.

We often judge people hastily, without knowing what they have experienced or what problems they have to endure. Sometimes it is difficult to empathize and to look behind the scenes. This story shows how important it is in dealing with strangers, take the blinders:

A doctor enters the hospital. Because of an emergency, he was called into the operating room: There is a little boy who had a serious accident. The doctor immediately runs the tunic over, but on the way to the operating theater he meets with the boy's father together, yelling at him: "Why do you come so late? Why? Do not you know that my son life is in jeopardy? This is irresponsible "The doctor smiles and replies in a quiet voice:" I'm sorry. I was not in the hospital. I was traveling and am so fast it was come. Calm down and let me do my job. "

But the father of the son is no rest: "Calm down? How would you feel if that was your son? Would you be there also calm and relaxed "The doctor smiles again and says:". Doctors can not always work miracles, but do not worry - I'll do anything for her son, what is possible for me "The father is dissatisfied with this reply and murmurs: "It is easy to give such advice, if one is not itself affected."

The operation takes a few hours. Finally, the doctor comes with a satisfied look from the OP and says to the Father: ". The operation was successful and your son no longer hovers in mortal danger" without the response of the father to be seen, he looks at his watch, continues, invoking on shoulder: "If you have questions, please contact the nurse!" the father turns angrily to the nurse and asks: "is he always like this? What arrogance! Has he any minute to tell me something about the state of my son? "

The nurse responds with tears in his eyes: "His son died in a car accident yesterday, and he was just at the funeral, when he was called into the operating room. Now that your son is stable, the doctor goes back to the funeral of his own son. "

A poignant lesson: Never judge at first impression and raise more compassion for others, especially when they are strangers. If you this story has touched, they share with your friends.

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