The 21-week-old fetus engages in the OP from the abdomen to the doctor. 16 years later, the has become of the baby.

This image was 17 years ago the world. On August 19, 1999, a medical team in the American Nashville undertook an operation on the pregnant Julie Armas ago - or to the only 21-week-old fetus in her womb. Even before the birth had been diagnosed with this "spina bifida", a deformity of the spine , To correct this, the doctors take a prenatal surgery before - as the unborn child from the gut reaches for the finger of the doctor! This is the so far well earliest record of human interaction. Nearly four months later, thanks to successful surgery, Samuel Armas is then born "right" on December 02 1999th 

Meanwhile Samuel is a teenager of 16 years. He uses leg braces for the lower leg and needs a wheelchair for longer distances. Otherwise, he can run as normal and loves to swim and play basketball.

Fascinating to see that has become of this famous "Hand of Hope" a young adult man.

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